At Franklin Telephone, our roots are in local telephone service. For over 60 years we have been providing our unique brand of:
- Local, committed customer service
- Technical expertise and experience
- Low rates
- The convenience of one contact and one bill
For Long Distance Rates, Click HERE.
For Online Directory, Click HERE.
Pricing information for Business/Residential calling features can be found HERE.
Lifelinesupport.org for more info on the lifeline program.
1) If you already have Lifeline you qualify but you need to contact Franklin Telephone at 1-877-422-1212 and ask that we send you an enrollment form that you have to sign before the benefit can start.
2) If you do not have Lifeline and you get verification from sign up at ACPbenefit.org you will still need to contact Franklin Telephone at 1-877-422-1212 and give them the information on how you qualified (i.e. school lunches, pell grant, etc) along with authorization # as well as the information on Benefit Qualifying person (legal name, date of birth, last 4 digits of social security number.